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Yayasan Intermedika Prana
Established in 2008, our vision is being a non-governmental organization working independently with MSM, our mission is to have MSM communities healthy and empowered.
We are carried out Mapping, Outreach and Referral activities, as well as provide services directed at the sexual health of men as a whole with respect to the program prevention of Sexually Transmitted infection (STI) and HIV/AIDS.
We are also carried out the HIV/AIDS services and interventions, include community outreach and assistance, distributing condom and lubricant, HIV case management, dissemination of correct information about STIs, HIV and AIDS, conducted mobile clinics and counselling about gender diversity at several university and high school, and championing the advocacy to eliminate stigma and discrimination against MSM communities, especially PLHIV.
Our target beneficiaries are Gay and MSM communities with activities focused in the area of North and East Jakarta.
We have several attached organizations which include: YIMoet : Gay and young MSM aged 18-24 years, KDS-Abisatya : communities that have been infected with HIV
Moreover, YIM is also a member of several networks such as GWL-INA, Jabodetabek NGO Forum, and the Forum for the LGBTIQ national level. It also maintains linkages with various organizations at the international level such as the ISEAN HIVOS Program, APCOM, Pink Triangle, APN+, GNP+, Aidsfonds The Netherlands, Elton John Aids Foundation (EJAF).
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